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Check out the digital story I created: Señorita Louisos' Spain Trip. (see above and check out the link for a description)
I would use this video in my classroom to enhance a cultural lesson on Spain, specifically relating to my own personal study abroad experience in Alicante. This video will grab the students and peak their interest, and will be a great lead into a lesson that I planned. I'll be able to talk about all sorts of experiences that I had when studying abroad: food I ate, where I stayed, the classes I took, the sites I saw, etc... The possibilities are endless, which makes this digital story so much fun! The students will be curious and will wonder what these pictures are about, which will lead to questions that I can answer. The whole process will turn into a whole class discussion of Alicante, Spain and the culture of that area.
Lovely photos and a good conversation starter for discussing Spanish culture.